
Saturday, March 29, 2014


Here are a few more transparency transfers, made by FJ members....
Val transferred an architectural line drawing.
This technique won't damage the original image so Gen used items from an album of family pictures and postcards.
Here's her husband Ralph, now immortalized onto fabric!
Oops....turn your head sideways to admire Kate's.  She spent hours in Photoshop cleaning up the background of this line drawing in order to obtain a cleaner image to transfer.  Her hard work paid off.
Our newest member Denny is a great experimentor.....she opened up a new avenue for us to try by using some dyed sheer fabric.  Love the results!
Of course no meeting would be complete without show and tell.......Kate has been digging into her UFO stack and look at this lovely piece she completed.
And another one of Kate's.
Val spent a couple of months in FL this winter (lucky gal).....while there she worked on making books/journals.  I shared a large stash of vintage lace with her last summer. Oh instead of the laces aging further in a box in my closet, she's given them a beautiful new life. 
Along with the laces, Val used some embossed metal and a watercolor she did.
Now here's a really clever idea.....the lace image is printed onto the paper, maybe screen printed?? I wish I could recall how she did this....but what you see is an image of lace...not the actual lace.
And here Val used her vast collection of silk screens to create this piece.
Denny used a large number of techniques for her piece....painting, machine stitching, and image transfer onto sheer fabrics to name just a few.


  1. Thanks for sharing more pics! Between you & Judy I feel like I was there!

  2. such talent overflowing from you and your group, I am amazed at how this technique has worked, shame you are not around the corner I would be dropping in for a lesson or two
