
Friday, March 28, 2014


This month the Fiber Junkies played with printing images onto fabric using transparency film. 

 Be sure to use "ink jet transparency film" - not quick dry.
 Judy led the group and suggested we lightly spray a piece of paper with 505 Spray and Fix and position it to the smooth side of a sheet of film.  This allows the film to run through the printer better. The textured side of the film, which is where the ink is printed is on top. (On our first try, we used just tape to hold the paper/film layers, but we found spraying worked better.)
 We each brought images we wanted to transfer to are two of mine.
 Using Judy's Epson scanner, we imported our images into her computer.
 Then using an ink jet printer, we printed them onto our paper backed film.  This time we placed small bits of tape at the top which seemed to help hold that edge as the printer grabbed the unit.

Next, fabric was taped to a smooth surface (cover your table with protection if needed)......and using a foam brush, coated the fabric with matte medium.
Now with the paper removed from the film, it was positioned....smooth side facing up...rough side facing the fabric.  Using the back of a large spoon to burnish the image, we rubbed back and forth until the ink transferred to the fabric.  Pick up a corner to check the process.
 Here's Judy's photoshopped image of sea shells that has now been transferred to a piece of deconstructed screen printed cotton fabric.
 This is mine....transferred to batik.  I think I may have used too much matte medium (or perhaps it was due to the batik fabric)....but when dry it was VERY stiff.
 This is another one of mine using a commerical cotton print.....which had a softer hand  
My image had more detail than what got transferred.  I didn't burnish it enough in the center......yes....I was too anxious to see the results!!!

I LOVED this process.....for those of use who don't own a thermofax or have a place to screen print, this process is a wonderful option!  

Come back again to see more results and our monthly show and tell.

I'm linking to Nina-Marie's Off The Wall Friday......where you'll enjoy and be inspired by the artists who share their work there every Friday.


  1. Thanks Mary, I had heard about this process, but had never seen a tutorial.

  2. Mary, can the same transparency be reused for the process?

  3. I refuse to do this--but man, it is sooooo tempting. Your red fabric turned out really cool.
    best, nadia

  4. In answer to Regina's question: we didn't try to reuse the film, but I suspect not since the coated side may have been depleted...... When I get a chance, I'm going to try and will post my results.

  5. Thank you Mary! great tutorial! looks like fun! best, deborah (from Off the Wall Fridays) I'm at:

  6. This is a cool technique....I did see Judi's post and your pics are good too!!! Love seeing results!!! I have to try this (again??)....seems to be I've done this but....I know I've done the packing tape burnishing! I remember that! HA

  7. a very interesting technique not one I have come across before

  8. That looks like too much fun not to give it a try. Thanks for the info!
