
Thursday, June 7, 2012


........the finishing details for this AAQI 2012 donation Priority Quilt.  For those of you attending Quilt Festival.....I hope you will visit the AAQI booth and perhaps take home one of the hundreds of quilts that will be for sale. I'm donating 3 pieces, made especially for this event. Help us in our fight to find a cure for Alzheimer's Disease!

 A simple facing seemed the best method to finish the edges of this small piece.  Naturally, beading would complete it!  

One way to audition bead color choices for your work is to simply pin a few beads in place....step back and take a good look.  Originally, the plan was to use light purple seed beads.....but I didn't feel they 'framed' the quilt well enough.  So instead, matte black seeds where my choice.

9" X 12"
Hand painted cotton, hand dyed gauze, hand embroidered & bead embellished.

Incidentally, I learned the 'pinkish' stones I mentioned using for the two horizontal lines are actually rose quartz.  But I still have no memory of where I got them!


  1. VERY nice!! I'll have to get busy...haven't made donation piece for Ami since last winter!! Good tip on using pins to audition beads! Who knew!! MARY knew!!!!

  2. Such lovely fun, Mary! I am always delighted when you make another AAQI quilt! Are you showing any others in Houston this year?

  3. Yes....Michele....I've made 2 others for AAQI this year. Check under AAQI label to see photos....
