
Wednesday, June 6, 2012

AH.....back to beading....

Are you like me??  A bit crabby when you can't squeeze in a little sewing time each day??  

Two lines of light pinkish beads.....not sure where I got them....have now been added to this AAQI donation quilt. They are more like uneven stones with holes in them so they sit in an interesting manner.  

The small black wood beads came from a piece of costume jewelry I took apart.  I might be calling this finished.....will think about it today before deciding upon the edging treatment.....  

1 comment:

  1. Yep...I can identify for sure about the "sewing time"...I don't want any outside 'forces' interfering with my art time!! I have friends who go days and weeks!! (months even!) without doing anything...not sure what they're doing (TV and bon bons!) but not for me! Hope all is well and 'puppy' is doing good! Kalee is signed up for Rally Class starting next week!!! Hope to release some energy! For her...not me!!
