
Saturday, June 9, 2012


One major project has been consuming my time.  It's a quilt that will be donated to Bookworm Gardens as a memorial to my brother.

The piece is coming along slowly and I'm enjoying every minute.  Normally there is so much indecision when I'm designing a new piece, interestingly not this time.  Must be a reason!

I'll be sharing the entire process in a blog when it's complete but today I thought you might like to learn a trick I use during this process.  After arranging and rearranging placement of motifs.....I use my digital camera to document them. 

In this case, there were several flower stems that were going to be placed behind the 'grass'.  That portion of the quilt has only been basted in position (to allow access behind it before adding machine decorative stitches.)  So, after playing with placement, I took a photo & then machine stitched the background rick rack stems.  The others were then removed....the green grass area was machine stitched. Then with the aid of my photo....I was able to reposition each of the stems where I had determined they should be!

What did we ever do without digital cameras?!?!

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