
Thursday, January 5, 2023


 2022 has been a rough year for 'the husband' with 5 hospital surgery/stays.  We closed out the year in mid. Dec. with what we hope will be a final one.  Estimated recovery 8-10 weeks (before the complications set in!)

That brought my studio work again on hold. Now that 2023 is beginning to look more positive, I'm itching to get back to work.

That brings me to what I consider a very flattering note left in my space at Woolworth Walk by an anonymous visitor.  One actually I agree with, but when one is competing for sales in an area that is overflowing with artists the value of our work is sadly often reduced.....  

I appreciate the thoughts.......and say to you readers......why not go to my online gallery and pick up a bargain!?!?  ha ha..


  1. Hi Mary - I was thinking about you so stopped by! I'm sorry you had such a hard 2022 but hopefully 2023 will bring better skies! Off the Wall is still going so feel free to link up when you time in your studio! Blessings!

  2. I sure hope 2023 is better for you with more time to create. I either wasn't aware of have forgotten why your husband has been having the surgeries, but I wish him all the best for a complication-free recovery.

  3. Doubling your price may seem crazy but there is an old saying, if it isn't selling at the current price, raise the price. Pricing higher than neighboring artists is OK too. Some people have a dollar amount they want to spend. Others buy because they love it and will pay any price. I know how iffy it all is, how to price, how to display and still be really happy with your compensation, not just OK with it.

  4. Wanda....yes, I'm familiar with the 'raise your price' notion.....unfortunately my attempts haven't met with much success. Again, fiber is not a best seller to the public in area galleries. Shoppers often are just not familiar with art quilts and tend to shy away from the unknown. Not to say I'm not having success.....but rarely not near what my appraisal average should be. I love to create and taking it in stride....thanks for your note.

  5. I certainly hope 2023 will be a better year for your husband and for you. Medical scares are never fun. Sending positive thoughts and prayers your way.

  6. You've had the long haul, that's for sure. Do hope 2023 brings healing and improvement. The note- what a thoughtful sentiment and encouragement. But I can see your point. Asheville is such a known art community and competitive market. Pricing items is always a sticking point. Some artists earn what seem like ridiculously large sums while most don't earn commensurate with the value of their work. Do hope your husband sees improvement and soon!

  7. Interesting and surprising note, especially as I think on my own experiences of constantly having potential customers haggling with me to discount my prices. It was always a relief when someone purchased a piece without questioning the price. We've had the pricing conversation often but I have to agree with Nancy about that phenomenon of certain artists I'd be exhibiting with that commanded and got "ridiculously large sums" for pieces that we all knew took much less time to create than the fiber pieces like mine. (One artist was even admitting that he was tearing sketches out of his sketchbook and just mounted them on cardboard and they all sold right away at astounding prices.) It's an unfair world out there.
