
Thursday, January 21, 2016


Well.....what a suprise to be alerted about the following (found on C & T's blog) by my pal Nanette Zeller, a talented artist friend who frequently works as an editor for C & T Publishing. 

Stepping away from the quilt world as an active instructor/author only a year ago in many ways seems like a lifetime.  Younger folks now fill the roles many of us (hate to say it) 'mature' quilters had.....and oh quickly we are forgotten.  

I always felt my style was ahead of the time.  My first embellishment book was published by AQS in 1994, followed by 7 more publications with two other publishers.  Interestingly, C & T published, "Embellishing With Felted Wool', in 2008.  Both beading and wool are now a huge craze.......who knew?!?  I did.....I can't get enough of either construction styles.

It's great to know that "All-In-One Beading Buddy" is now available as an ebook!!  Be sure to check out my gallery shop to view how my beading techniques are incorporated into my work.


Beading is perennially popular, and no wonder–you can use it to embellish quilts, clothing, bags, home decor, and so much more! Today, Mary Stori, author of All-in-One Beading Buddy, shares two of her favorite 'lazy' stitches, great for creating patterns.
Lazy Stitch
Alternate bead color and direction for a herringbone pattern. Treat several beads as one to quickly create rows, fans, and other defined patterns.
1. Come up at A, string 4 seed beads, go down at B.
2. Come up at C, string 4 seed beads, go down at D. Repeat to make 4 rows.
3. Come up at I, string 4 seed beads, go down at J. 
4. Repeat to make 4 rows. Add additional units as desired.
Undulating Lazy Stitch
Use different bead combinations and spacing to create pathways and designs. 
1. Come up at A, string a seed bead, a bugle bead, and a seed bead, go down at B. Come up at C, string beads, go down at D.
2. Repeat to create desired effect. 


  1. Those are some really great beading techniques Mary! You must have gotten a kick out of seeing the e-book.

  2. very clear instructions, I must own up to rarely using beads silly as I have a big stack of them, was thinking only yesterday now am I ever going to use these or shall I pass them on to someone who will, still not come to a decision

  3. Thank you for posting this! It's going into my Evernote file for techniques :-) I don't know if beading ever really went out of style bit it seems to be back big time. I see a lot of art quilters / surface designers beading now. Just like fashion trends - some things , the good things anyway always come back and the new generation embraces it as their own. I love hand work, as you and I know, it's better than meditation :-)

  4. I am an infrequent beader, so turn to clear instructions like yours, time and time again, when my work cries out for beads, but I am unsure about how to proceed. You were and are a trailblazer.

  5. Mary says......there were lots of jewelry beading technique books in the day......but very little published in regard to the different methods required to bead on I developed them.....and students became more and more interested......luckily publishers thought the info was worthy enough of documenting in books and my DVD. Right time, right place, right personal interest!!

  6. You are absolutely not forgotten!

  7. What a very nice thing to say Angela!!! Thank you!!

  8. Love the beading tutorial- thank you for sharing!

  9. I love beads, but haven't used them much on fabric. This is a good prompt to me - thank you!

  10. How cool to have the Ebook!!!! That will attract a lot of new/young beaders I'm sure!!!! Congrats!

  11. I love beads and buttons, as you well know, and your instructions are spot on.

  12. I inherited all of my late mom's quilting "stuff" including a couple of your books. I haven't forgotten you, believe me! I have an book that I read for it's beauty. Please keep creating! I'll definitely follow your work here!
