
Wednesday, January 20, 2016


It's very heartwarming to be receiving so many notes from you folks....checking on me after I mentioned being rear ended on the interstate.  The habit of speeding and following too closely is dangerous on any roadway.  However, it's more so here considering we have almost zero roads that are straight and truly can't see what's ahead around the next curve.  

All of the above, plus totally non-sensible locations of on-off ramps, a 2+ year  construction project....and a young man not paying attention, contributed to this accident.  I will say again....I LOVE my Subaru.....his car was a mess...and mine only had $5,000 worth of damage.  Of course my aging body hasn't bounced back as quickly as I'd like....but it could have been so much worse.

Enuff of that.....I'm only mentioning this because of your many inquiries.  I'm getting better....and hope to get back to sewing soon...cause I'm getting grumpy!'s the real reason I'm posting today.....  While at the doctor's office, the assistant and I were chatting about how creativity is so important in our lives.  She isn't a quilter....but look at the masterpiece cookie she made.  It could be a whole-cloth trapunto quilt!

Just in case you didn't think this sugar cookie was real....yes, it is....'was'.  I hesitated (only for a few minutes) the office staff all raved how delicious they of course I felt it was my obligation to see for myself!

I've often commented on this this area is saturated with artistic's such a stimulating place to live. 


  1. So glad you are healing Mary. I agree that creativity take so many forms. What a beautiful cookie.

  2. To be honest, I WAS wondering about the car. Thinking about your fairly recent investment in tires. Hoping there wasn't too much damage to make your life even more complicated after your run of equipment failures & frustrations. Didn't know you were a fellow Subaru owner- I love my Outback and have never had to test its many crash safety features but they were certainly part of what convinced me I was making the right choice. Very happy to hear it can be repaired.

    So roads and medical services be dammed, you STILL find the wonders of your adopted home. That is indeed a delicate beauty of a cookie!

  3. my goodness...that decorated cookie is BEAUTIFUL!!!! that take patience!

  4. Curvy roads and speeding drivers are a scary combination. I am so glad you were not badly hurt and are recuperating Mary.
    It cracked me up that you bit the cookie and then photographed it, :)
