
Saturday, December 12, 2015


Our PTA holiday party was held at Judy's beautifully decorated home.  Describing our fun is kinda like'd have to have been there....but I'll give it a shot anyway.
Over appetizers, Georgia Bonesteel entertained us with a cute story (about a dog named SEX).  
You can see by the laughter.....she got the party started in a high mood!
 As ususal there was enough food to feed twice as many guests......all delicious!!  Party favors are not required.....but provided when a fun item strikes someone's fancy.  Judy and Barbara bought each of us a ring flash light....that is amazingly bright!  What a hoot....
 The most laughter generally comes about during our white elephant exchange....numbers are drawn and when your number comes up a gift can be selected from the pile or 'stolen' from another person's opened gift. This 'stealing' opens up lots of 'oh no's....and yeahs!!
 Bows are often turned into hair embellishments. Here's Janice....
....and here's Gen
 .......our PTA comedian Linda Cantrell didn't fail us......the package she picked contained this M & M shower radio.
 ......and this clock
 Each trip back into the bag found more adorable M & M figures...that clearly Linda love....
BUT.....oh no....the next person to choose a gift.....didn't take from the pile....she stole Linda's!!!  So, Linda had the chance to either open another wrapped gift or steal an opened gift from someone else.  She opened another gift and as you can see by her face......was a bit dismayed. It's all in good fun and everyone left with wonderful goodies....though some will probably return next year in our 2016 white elephant exchange!

Several members of our group have experienced recent family losses, made even more difficult during the holiday season.  It was heartwarming for each and every one of us to share this day together.  Perhaps you have some fiber pals who would enjoy a day of silliness, good food, and friendship?!?  So, pick up the phone or get that email program open and make it happen........

1 comment:

  1. Always makes me smile to see what you 'gals' are up to each year (and monthly!) the white elephant exchange! That's always fun!
