
Sunday, December 13, 2015


Did you think I forgot???  15 mins. till game time........that still gives me plenty of time to say once again......  GO PACK GO!!!!

 Santa and the gang will be cheering.
 Whether man or dog....we wear our colors proudly.
 The ultimate tribute......Dad showing his love for his daughter on her wedding day.......with a nod to his other love.
We can't express enough gratitude to the men and women serving our country and how great to see they have such great taste!!

After last week's heart attack game......we are nervously awaiting kick off.......I'm confident the corner has been turned and they are back on track....heading to the play offs......

1 comment:

  1. Congrats! Yep..I think they are back on track! WooHoo for you! BooHoo for me! That's ok...I still enjoy watching football...regardless...gotta support your team whether they are winning or losing.
