
Wednesday, November 25, 2015


Oh friends have had to listen to me rant for the last several weeks as one darn piece of equipment after another has failed....combined with horrible customer service!

Besides the ordeal I went through to get a new sewing machine, in an effort to get the Packer games every week....we  were ready to give up DISH, who we've been with for 25 years.  I don't want to get started here...... but I can say I'll never deal with DIRECT TV EVER (realizing that the customer experience can be severely impacted by local providers....ours stints)!! This drama played out for well over a week, leaving us w/o any service at all!!  

Our hot water heater broke.....despite calling 5 plumbers - 2 of which advertised 24-7 emergency service.....only 1 returned our call 2 days later (not the emergency one either)!  

My Keurig stopped working.....and now my iron stopped heating....spuing water everywhere......what on earth does one do without a working iron?!?  

It's time for a big fat, calorie filled cookie!!!


  1. Good grief, if weren't for bad luck you'd have no luck right now! I sympathize- my husband caught whatever cold was going around, I congratulated myself a week later for not catching it from him. Two days later I got it. We were housebound for awhile. Then our big dog ran on her leash and pulled me off my feet- bruises, and sore, but no breaks. OK, enough now for both of us please!

  2. You need to bring in someone - a priest, a shaman, a new age mystic - to do a thorough purging of demons and negative energy in that house! I see sage smudging in your future... ;-)

  3. you certainly are having a rotten time, I would be lost without hot water, a bath is a way I get warm in this cold weather. Things can only improve for you now you have had more than your share of bad luck

  4. Hope things start on the upturn now...there's been enough negativity! Maybe you AND the Packers can get on a winning roll!

  5. I'm offically not accepting any more problems/negatives/downsides.......if that requires a be it!

  6. Hope you got the Packers. It is a close game. The New Year is coming, so all this should be behind you, and look forward to a fantastic year.

  7. Hmmmmmm Might be time to start to call in 'favors' from the big guy above! HA Sorry for all those issues...maybe you're just getting them all over with and the new year will be swell!!!
