
Tuesday, November 24, 2015


 The baby bunting wall quilt project was blogged about here.  With the birth of the newest addition to the family tree (my twin sister's daughter's, daughter just gave birth to a daughter), I now have a name to complete it.

My plan had been to print lettering onto fabric circles and fuse to the flags....nope...not a good plan.  Okay, plan B.....stamp the letters onto the felt.....nope...the felt is too porous to obtain a good imprint.  Geesh.....
Plan C search for metal discs of alphabet letters - nope....sizes weren't right.

After a bit of brain storming, Plan D brought out a piece of black Ultra-Suede...some of which already had Wonder-under attached. I traced the appropriate letters with the aid of a printed sheet from my computer.  
 Okay, okay....ya I should  have reversed them to make tracing easier.....but that kind of thinking escaped me during the frenzy of having this great NEW idea.....and heck, this keeps me humble!
Yes.....the black Ultra-suede letter fit perfectly......and here's the finished piece made using National Nonwoven's Woolfelt.
WILLOW    21" x 18"


  1. Awe - isn't that lovely! And thank goodness the name chosen for the new arrival fits so well. I haven't worked much with ultrasuede myself but know it can be a great solution for things like this. Happy happy all around!

  2. It's adorable!!! Just adorable! Clever idea too!!

  3. Absolutely delightful! I love her name. Makes me want to have more babies just to use some of the adorable names I've been hearing. Nah, on second thought, being a grandma is just about right. I can play with them and when they cry or need a diaper change, I can give them back. Congratulations to the happy family!

  4. so colourful what a lovely way to make a quilt
