
Tuesday, April 8, 2014


I've returned from my teaching trip to the Chattahoochee Evening Start Quilt Guild in GA....with fond memories and 3 less pieces in my inventory!  My hostesses couldn't have been more thoughtful, generous and fun to be with.

The skill level of the gals and one brave man (Ben) in the workshop was one of the highest I've every had the pleasure to work with.  They got down to business and really worked hard to learn each and every beading technique I could throw at them in a 6 hour workshop! 
 When I was initially booked, there was confusion about the actual dates I'd need to be there.  By the time I learned that I'd have to travel on my birthday (not really that big of a deal) but also had to miss a Bluegrass concert we'd already purchased tickets for, there was no other choice than to rearrange my previous plans.  Lucky me!!!  I got treated to a yummy pot luck at Barbara's house (small world who knew me from the time we both lived in Illinois!) numerous other guild members who helped me celebrate.  

I've never tasted a more fabulous cake made by the hands of the guild's president......who by the way runs a tight ship for the meetings.....Using a prerecorded sound clip from the movie Jaws.....she plays it to get the attention of the members!!! Love question then that the audience knows the meeting/program/announcements are about to begin! 
 Really....this was such a memorable friends, great food, (esp. the cake....did I tell you how much I loved the cake??) and balloons....yeah!!!
Several pieces of my work also found new homes....Here's Marie modeling her new wool purse!!
 Unfortunately, during the hectic time that members had to view the quilts......these two went home with the same person, but I didn't get her name. However, it's such a nice feeling knowing someone will enjoy the work.......
And speaking of work....I've been flitting off here and there so much, I haven't gotten too much accomplished....I hope to change that this week.....that is once I get unpacked and tackle all the household duties that have piled up in my absence!


  1. So glad you had such a great 'workshop'...and just when was your BD, my friend????? HAPPY BD!!! Cake looks awesome!

  2. belated happy birthday to you, the cake does look yummy.
    Sounds like the class went well and now you can go home and do the housework! I have to make an effort too today as 2 of my brothers are coming to visit on friday so will be dusting off the hoover

  3. That cake doesn't look real, it's so it was delicious! Congratulations on selling more of your beautiful work...lucky gals who got it
