
Friday, April 11, 2014


I'm constantly fussing about the lack of adequate lighting in my studio.  Though there's a lot of space, it's located in a loft area with a vaulted tongue/grove ceiling (no reflective quality there!) and not very many windows.  

After much research the only lighting system we could find was a hanging track system. I have light....BUT....I also have a lot of shadows, no matter how I position the individual fixtures!  I have 13 lamps...the photo shows a portion of the track.  I think if I added more, I'd burn the house down!

 Recently I read about this LED light for sewing's a plastic ribbon,(with adhesive backing) fitted with lights.  
 Installation was easy.....the machine was turned over onto a towel.
After cleaning the surface, and following the manufacturer's instructions, the ribbon was pressed in place.....along with a on/off switch which was adhered to the back of the machine.....
And in less than 5 minutes....I had light. This new light source will be so helpful.  The cost with shipping ran just under $25.00.....a real bargain!

"The husband' found it on  Its maker has his own cottage industry, (Summer House Products).  It was developed in response to a request from his quilter wife who was also in need of more light when sewing at her machine. Click here for the Amazon link.

I'm linking with Nina-Marie's Off The Wall Friday......head over to see what the talented folks there are up to this week.


  1. What a great idea! This would also be helpful when you are traveling with your machine and the space doesn't have good lighting.

  2. Is the light disturbing? Some led is too pinpoint bright and hurts my eyes. I have the same problem in my studio with spot lights that cause shadows. Never enough usable light.
    LeeAnna Paylor

  3. LeeAnna asked how pin point the light is......that's a great question..... I've heard complaints about the Bendable light being too directed and therefore too bright. I don't find that to be the case here. We aren't talking about achieving runway lighting.....rather it's an overall brigtening to the area.

  4. WOW! I really need that light here in Florida!! Back home it's not too bad as my machine sits in front of the window...I'll have to check that out. Thanks for the tip!

  5. Brilliant (no pun intended)! Even though my Viking has an extra light in the arm as well as the needle, there's still not enough light and places where shadows are cast. I got one of those flexible lights you can point down around the needle area but that too leaves something to be desired. This look fantastic.

  6. I remember when I was designing my studio my biggest MUST have was decent lighting - I still think I need more although I have a ton in there. Plus with my horizon one thing I love about it is that it has 6 lights - but - I LOVE this idea - I need to get some!

  7. This looks like a great idea! Thanks for telling us about it.

  8. looks a good idea but my machine has 2 lights built in. I also sew in my kitchen where I have a double florescent light fitting, had the fancy lights removed and this works a treat as it has daylight tubes in it

  9. I have a similar ceiling in my new studio and I am trying to decide on lighting. I thought about a hanging track and so your comments about shadows are helpful. And I am definitely going to look into the sewing machine lights. I have a Bendable and often find it too glaring.

  10. Now that is a great idea! Thanks for sharing!
