
Sunday, February 16, 2014


This is all about Bluegrass......if that interests you read on....if not.....I'll be back to blogging fiber related posts as soon as I have time to get back to my ongoing projects...grinning.....

Despite weather challenges, the annual Bluegrass First Class weekend successfully concluded in Asheville last night at 1:00 AM (wayyyy tooo late for us old folks).  However, as morning came too early for me, many folks staying at the hotel are probably just now ending their all-night pickin'.  
 As the show ends each year, we can not imagine how the entertainment can be topped the next, but was.  This event has become known for the reunions the organizers magically arrange (with tons of hard work I'm sure).  

If you are a Bluegrass fan, perhaps you'll recognize folks in these photos.....but I'll refrain from detailing everyone for fear I'll scare the rest of you away.

Doyle Lawson and Quicksilver is a group that ALWAYS features the best musicians that also have incredible vocal skills.  Totally professional in every way.
 Doyle Lawson is known for being a task master and his flashy jackets....more often seen in the Country Western music industry than in Bluegrass.  I'm exhausted after 2 days of simply listening to music.....he's 70 years old and has a grueling travel schedule....
 What a thrill it was to see and hear members of his original band dating back to April 1979.  (Prior to that Doyle was with the group the Country Gentlemen.)
At first when he came on stage, I was surprised to see him wearing a corduroy 1970's.  Then it struck me......he did it because he was recreating the band, if even for only a short moment in time. think the darn jacket still fit him!!
It seems everyone has worked for Doyle at one time in their's another look at the composition of the group later.....the fellow on the guitar is Jamie Daily.....of the Daily and Vincent group.
 My first very favorite Bluegrass group was the Seldom Scene Though the banjo player, Ben Aldridge is the only original member, the group holds true to its traditional sounds.  Their name was selected because they began as a musicians who just wanted to play together, and thought they should keep their day jobs since earning a living playing music was seemingly impossible.  They are still.....seldom seen!
 The most professional, entertaining, quality group in Bluegrass today, in my humble opinion, is Daily and Vincent.  Their awards could fill warehouses.....  The kid playing the guitar in the back is from Bryson City, NC....just up the road  from where we live......his talent is astonishing....and he's only 20!!
I'll leave you with this photo.  What a surprise to see two Go-Pros attached to on an upright base and one on a guitar.  Don't know what that is??  Visit here....and check out some videos that are amazing.

One final comment.....Bluegrass fans are always respective audiences....they are not are not chatting with each other during songs, no cell phones are ever heard ringing, and everyone is very responsive to the artists talents.  Here is a link of some videos of various groups  'the husband' has taken.  Do check out Rhonda Vincent/Tod the Bod, I still laugh thinking about the antics of Tod.  The majority of Bluegrass shows do not serve this is a bit unusual....but at least he was a happy drunk!   

1 comment:

  1. What fun!!! I enjoy any type of music...I would so enjoy this too!!! Go Pro camera's are great!!
