
Saturday, February 15, 2014


We await the weekend closest to Valentine's Day every year when one of the best bargains in live entertainment is held in Asheville.  It's called Bluegrass First Class.  And it's certainly a FIRST CLASS event for Bluegrass lovers.  It's a small venue....with big time groups playing music for a minimum of 12 hours a day.

Each year it seems we have to worry and contend with bad weather.  Just when we thought the after affects of our recent big storm were over......meaning we could drive to Asheville and back without ice/snow, we woke to near blizzard conditions today.  Ice is covering our roads again. It looks like the sun is trying to peek out just now so with any luck, it will melt enough for us to get back there today.  Some of our favorites groups will begin playing at noon.  

Yes, I'm sooooo over this winter and almost feel bad about complaining because I know so many other areas have been impacted far worse than we have.  Yet, we moved from Wisconsin to avoid this sort of thing!!

Russel Moore &  IIIrd Tyme Out (with two new band members that did NOT disappoint) put on two great sets.....
 The headliner on Friday is always Rhona Vincent and the Rage.  Fabulous entertainers doing what they always do so well.....
We've been watching her career escalate for years and 51 she sure can belt out the songs and play the mandolin like she was a teen.

1 comment:

  1. So I take it you did get out! I remember you posting about this event in the nice you both enjoy this! If it's not 'golf', my hubby isn't interested! HA
