
Friday, January 17, 2014


Phoenix, AZ will be my destination in early Feb. while teaching/lecturing at AQS's newest show.  Several of my beading classes are being offered (as well as a hand quilting class....yes I love to hand quilt and really.....I know more of you would too if you were satisfied with your stitches. It's all about learning the proper hand movements and PRACTICE!) 

Anyway, I'm using a new batch of cabochons for my full day class on Feb. 6th...see details here.......
I LOVE the stones I found for the workshop kits.  When teaching the peyote stitch, it's helpful for students to have a guideline for the number of beads required for each round of beads that are added........
 So, of course that was reason enough to begin a new project to show off a cabochon!  Because of the weight of the stone and the small size of the project, I decided the finishing would include mounting on a canvas frame.  In preparation, I marked my stabilizer with the top outside measurements and where the bottom edge drop would fall, allowing a generous amount to be wrapped around the back.
 This marbleized fabric is one I created during a Fiber Junkie retreat where we marbled everything in sight for two days.  I began designing with some hand stitching and quickly realized the fabric was far too busy to show off much of anything!
 My quest began....and ta my stack of marbleized fabrics was this sheer.  The right side of the sheer is on the left, the back on the right.
 I placed the sheer, wrong side up over the cotton fabric and secured it in my Q-snap frame (I always bead in a frame...except on bindings or outer edges.)  I switched gears and went ahead and beaded the cabochon first....rather than the hand embroidery I had started with.  
 The newly layered piece reminded me of a my cabochon turned into a turtle.
...... And hand embroidery began again......

......Along with more beading.  In case you will be attending the AQS show, this ruffle stitch will be taught in my Friday morning workshop, Dimensional Beading.  
TURTLE POND   8" X 10"
Marbleized cotton with marbled sheer overlay, 
hand embroidered, and bead embellished. 
 Mounted on canvas frame.


  1. love the marbled fabric. hat a wonderful turtle too. I would love the be on the hand quilting workshop but alas I do not have wings to fly over

  2. Oh my....your work is incredible. And this particular project really speaks to me, as I love both turtles and beads. Just gorgeous.

  3. That turtle is so cute! I wish I lived closer so I could take your class.

  4. How great the fantastic marble piece worked it!! Ruffle edge is so cool!!!!

  5. I love the cabachon turtle. The way you made the webbing is so perfect.
    The marbled fabric is way cool. I didn't know you were in Fiberjunkies. What a fun group to be part of (envy....)
    LeeAnna Paylor

  6. Hi, Mary. LUV the marbled fabric. Lovely creation. Imagine that, there's a group called FiberJunkies--sounds like paradise!
    best, nadia

  7. Love that turtle and all the beading you did to bring it to life. It's a great piece!

  8. I do love hand st itching, and marbleizing. I love your fabric and the darling turtle!

  9. This is really fun! I think you picked the perfect fabric as a base. Wish I could take your class in the desert -- maybe next year.

  10. I have always been so inspired by your bead work. I need to visit your blog more often!
