
Thursday, January 16, 2014


Our small group, the Fiber Junkies, is all about play time.....experimenting with new techniques and revisiting old ones.  Out newest member Denny, organized this meeting...preparation is her middle name.  She brought EVERYTHING we needed....and I mean EVERYTHING!  As they say here in the South... Bless Her Heart!!!  She made it so much fun and easy for us!
 The goal was to create a collage of goals/ideas/subjects to explore in 2014.  Denny's huge stack of magazines were a great resource to put our thoughts into pictures.
 Kate created hers on cloth....and it's soooo Kate.
 Denny used photocopies of pictures that spoke to her, attaching them to black poster board.  It opens like a book or brochure...providing lots of space to express herself.
 Another view of Denny's piece.
 Gen was dreaming of travel as she attached her visuals to black poster board.

 Judy used a sewing theme.....with a lot of vintage looks.
 I decided to simplify and make a 4 sided over-sized Valentine card for our grandson.  The visuals, for the most part were not overlapped in order to make it easier for a 2 year old to recognize the subjects.
And this would be his favorite subject.....the kid LOVES his food and isn't the least bit fussy about what he eats!
 Show and tell was brief following a busy month+ of holiday activities for everyone.  Judy finished this fun colorful 'eye spy' quilt for her granddaughter.
 Kate brought some note cards she created using 'paper cloth' that she made.  I love how she cut the edges and attached them to cardstock with machine stitching.
Here Kate added some extra texture with netting.....oh the possibilities!!!


  1. lots of creativity happened on your get together, it is good to see such variety of ideas

  2. I always enjoy seeing what your talented friends come up with!
