
Thursday, December 5, 2013


I'm a finisher.....yes, I do have several projects going at once....but it's rare for me to not finish something I started.  That determination can be a good trait or a waste of time.....  Here's my current waste of time....

 Which started with the never ending box of black and white fabric my friend Helen gifted me.  I'm loving that a lot of the yardage is now cut into patches, challenging me further to work with what's there.

Rectangles are auditioned on my design wall....with black and white polka dot squares running through the center and pops of color that may turn into leaves.
 Okay.....the decision is....make some leaves.  A fat quarter bundle of brightly colored polka dot fabric became the encouragement, instead of the predictable green for the leaves.
 Thinking this wasn't a bad idea.....I continued.  Concern arose over the inevitable visibility of the background seams, since the leaves are large and placement would put many dab smack over the seam line.  So, I prepared them with a narrow 'frame' of Wonder Under, rather than using the paper backed fusible on the entire leaf.  
But.....sadly, after far more time than I'd like to admit to spending, (including scouring my stash for other prints that might work better) the design got this far and I realized it wasn't working.

So....I'm starting over.....stay tuned.....


  1. Hi Mary:
    I will indeed stay tuned! If I may add a comment - I see what you mean about it "not working". I know you did not ask for advice, but I liked the colors when it was just orange and lime green, before your introduced the blue and yellow..maybe a more limited range of colors. Perhaps variations of oranges and some more olive green. :0)Have Fun!

  2. Mary are so right....and actually noticed that when I was posting my photos!!! But, my mind set was to use as many polka dots as I had.....silly me!!

  3. OK, call me silly but you know what I like! The 2nd from bottom pic...I like the 'white' that the fusible or what?? That looks cool!!! OK, silly me will close now...and I agree with you Mary...I finish all my project as well. I think I have two quilt tops that are not sandwiched or finished but I used those as samples when I was teaching...might have to get them out now that you brought it to my attention! HA :)

  4. I rather like it without the colours just black and white but agree with Louise a few colours are better than more. What is it that they say we learn from our mistakes, though I do not think it is a mistake as such if you know what I mean
