
Friday, December 6, 2013


Really can such a simple wanna be stylized design take so long to achieve??  In part, it was time consuming because each leaf was fused with a window frame of wonder-under in preparation for the final  (optimistic) fusing to the background.
 All green leaves....
 Polka dot leaf added (with attitude) less leaves not all straight across
More leaves all positioned fairly straight 
Final layout???  Maybe.....maybe not......

After last week's snow storm & 17 degree temperatures, today it's 61 with pouring down long walk for me which will give me an extra 90 mins. to work on this project!!!   We'll talk again soon.......

Enjoy your weekend everyone......GO PACKERS......(a sad statement from a very loyal fan.)


  1. Interesting how moving that one polka dot leaf to the left and lower made all the difference in making it work. Soldier on!

  2. Well, if you aren't going to use white leaves I guess this is ok! :) HA It's lovely...I like the leaves tilted and not so straight.

  3. yes the one black and white leaf works wonders, do wonder if you should put the other leaves on a slant too, oh just read what Robbie said re tilting

  4. Hi, Mary. LUV your leaf piece. The greens with the neutral yet interesting background are soooo pleasing. I feel like copying you! This, of course, will not happen since I have no time lately and toooooo much to do. Hope your finger is better. Have a happy holiday season!
    best, nadia
