
Wednesday, September 25, 2013


 There's not much fiber art construction going on in my studio this week.....instead I've been concentrating on reconstruction of my body!  What do I mean?'s a week of appointments to try to put my bone loss back on track, dental hygiene, and audiologist visits.  

Additionally, the Asheville Quilt Guild's Annual Show is this weekend, so starting with set up tomorrow....I'll be busy through Sunday.

However, I wanted to report back on my "Marketing" post where I introduced STKR.....a QR product that allows the viewer to hear the voice of the artist.  

My solo show at the NC Arboretum continues until Oct. 31, 2013 and I'm happy to report one of the larger quilts that featured a STKR has sold.  I'm choosing to believe the interaction between myself and the viewer aided in the sale. This piece was made for one of my Hawaii Quilt Tours....and this was the first time I've offered it for sale!

Hawaiian Moo Moo 


  1. Congrats! How cool having STKR...hearing the actual artist would/is so cool! And I agree...think it connects the viewer and the artist! Hope all your 'human vet' appts come out just fine!!

  2. you must be thrilled to have sold the quilt so quickly. Enjoy your exhibition.

    Fingers crossed you get a clean bill of health from your appointments

  3. Congratulations on the sale and show! Best of luck with your health!

  4. I love love love a black and white cow, even put a video of cows dancing to the Ritz on my blog!
    As always, love the whimsy in your work.
    LeeAnna Paylor
