
Saturday, September 28, 2013


I got all excited about creating a sunset theme wall quilt using a piece of hand felted, dyed & sun printed wool.

 The idea was to print some foliage onto the felted wool.....the problem was....I didn't have a follow up to that idea.  Often I charge ahead...mess around and eventually find a way to pull a design together.

The leaves didn't print well due to the bumpy surface of the felted wool....and the scale was all wrong...and finding my way out of this mess seemed unlikely.
However, I tried.  But, why I thought fusing hand-dyed wool over the printed leaves was a good idea is still beyond me.  I've been super busy this week and really should not have jumped in with what little time I had w/o thinking it through better...... The motifs are simply overpowering....
 Well.....I figured I already hate it, so I hoped I will either like it by printing more foliage or decide to scrap it like I was going to do after step 2.  

I dislike it even more now......
Not being a person to give up easily.....I spent another hour plus fusing more wool over the newly printed leaves.  I still hate it......  Seriously, I RARELY give up on a project.....but this one is a definite candidate.  Another day or two of gazing at it will help me decide if this will be hitting the discard pile....

I actually do have some ideas for fixes....but not sure the end product will be worth the time.  I'll report back about this if a solution is found.....


  1. Geezzzz I either have a 'bad eye' or you are too critical. I love this piece!!! Why is that!!! I like the 2nd to last layout/leaves best....but that's just me!!!

  2. I see nothing wrong with this piece, look good, when I was doiung my C& G in the early 90`s our teacher told us to never give up, her saying was if there is a piece we did not like or had made an error on we were to make a feature of it, not sure it worked but it did stretch our imagination
