
Sunday, May 26, 2013


I've been lax in my blogging duties this know how it is....sometimes life just gets busy.

 However, I have been stitching away on this project (blogged about here).  I'll admit there isn't much difference now than when I began.....however I do think the lines have become more significant and interesting. I'm officially stuck.  This piece was originally going to be a forest scene but my first attempts at adding branches/foliage didn't work.  So I stalled by doing the outline hand embroidery.

I keep going back to a nature based theme as I'm really trying to create art quilts that will have appeal for the buyers in this area. I truly need to focus on selling my work now that my teaching schedule is winding down.

I'm having a solo show at the NC Arboretum in the fall where I believe a nature theme will be better received.  The problem is I can't find my way yet. Sometimes one can't force a project, so I need to be patient and perhaps do a bit more experimenting before I cry uncle and move to another direction for this design. 

Perhaps during this long holiday weekend I'll find my way!


  1. This piece is wonderful, Mary...of course, I love earth tones to start with! I've been watching grand kids and haven't done any art work in a almost a week! Nor I know what you're saying! Take care..look forward to seeing more on this piece! love it!

  2. This was reminding me of your pine needle piece. I don't suppose adding a few pine needles would help it along, or is it too small for that?

  3. And then I look at it again, see you heading of "treading water" and see the blue at the bottom looking like water, as if these grasses are growing up out of a swamp...

  4. Good ideas...believe me I've gone through more darn options than I can far I know what I don't want to do!! Beginning however to have a small 'something' develop, however it's not a nature theme as I wanted......oh well.....
