
Monday, May 27, 2013


This is a day to thank and remember all those who are serving our country and those who gave the ultimate's very humbling!

Tradition has evolved too that this is the beginning of the summer season...where picnics and family gatherings are enjoyed.  AND...that calls for food.......

In my life before quilting, I ran a small cooking school in the Chicago area.....through this enterprise I was invited to write a children's cookbook....  My book, "I'll Eat Anything If I can Make It Myself!" was published in 1980.  It's long been out of print.....but you can find it here on fact when I saw the price.....I may just purchase what they have and use them as gifts......

I should also probably mention.....yes, that's me standing in the middle with pigtails....and our son, Chris is the toothless kid on the left.

In this household, dessert isn't dessert unless it contains along with some homemade pound cake, vanilla bean ice cream, and raspberries, there will be homemade hot fudge sauce.

This is one of the recipes in my book.  As you will's hand written and illustrated.  Each recipe contains an educational this case it's about the double boiler, other times it's a nutritional fact, or an explanation of a cooking term. You should be able to click on the recipe to enlarge it enough so you too can make your own fudge sauce!  

If you have a very heavy duty saucepan, it is possible to cook the sauce on the stove top at a low heat very careful not to burn it!!  

Full disclosure......It is NOT calorie free!!!  Enjoy....


  1. The copies I had had a different cover.
    I think I've given them all away to my grandchildren!
    It sure was a great book!

  2. Well, I keep saying how multi talented you are!!! A cooking school! A cooking book!!! Who knew!!! I'm off to Amazon to check it out!! What a nice gift for my grand daughter...she loves to cook plus, I can add to my collection of 'books' by Mary Stori...I'll just make sure not to put beads in the kitchen!

  3. Seems like a fun cook book!

  4. Look at you! So very clever and talented! The cookbook looks great. You should update it and print it again! I think it could be very popular today.
