
Thursday, March 21, 2013


I've shared stories here about the two person quilt guild my friend Francie Ginocchio and I began way back in the early 1990's.  We named ourselves "The Spritzer Sisters", an homage to our favorite adult beverage at the spritzers!

Though we've never lived close to each other.....we can pick up a conversation if we had only taken a breath....rather than having months pass.

 I was super surprised to find a package from SSF (Spritzer Sister Francie) in the mail the other day.  It was an early birthday gift....and a PERFECT one at that.  

Though I look like an old lady all hunched over in this picture.....Sooty wanted to be in the picture and the only way to keep her still was to bend over slightly and pet her head!!!  However, you can still appreciate the appropriateness of the apron. features a and white fabric, it has pockets, and really high on the positive list is the dark color....better to hide spills!

Now, isn't this just so adorable.....thank you SSF!!!

1 comment:

  1. So when is your BD! How adorable is this apron!!! Perfect for you...nice your friends know you so well!!! And just darn nice to have nice friends...but as 'they' say, "to have a friend is to be a friend"....that you are!
