
Tuesday, March 19, 2013


The owner of my quilt "Fallen Leaf" has graciously allowed me to share how she hung the piece.  I was thrilled to see it as this bead embellished felted wool piece is one of my favorites. 

 She wanted to highlight the piece with a special hanger and found the solution right in our own area.  N. Chris Amsler is a metal artist.  He works with copper, silver, brass....creating jewelry and this very special twig & leaf hanger.
Isn't this just perfect?!!?  Chris designed it and will gladly do commissions based on your needs.  His work can be seen in downtown Waynesville, NC on Main Street at the Artist's Co-op.


  1. It IS perfect. How cool is that?!? Not to mention...beautiful!

  2. That is perfect....just made for your beautiful piece!

  3. Thank you all for your very kind words, especially you Mary. I hope we get to meet in person very soon :)
    N. Chris Amsler

  4. Thank you so much for your kind words; especially Mary, I hope we get to meet in person, soon.
    N. Chris Amsler
    Jeweler, Metal Smith

  5. Mary, the hanger is BEAUTIFUL!!!! OMG!!! So glad I went back to look at it!!! Your piece is beautiful as is but this REALLY set it off!!!

  6. Just beautiful! And do pardon my pun...I love it when one artist supports another! Or maybe, its when two very different art forms find a way to hang out! In any case, that is absolutely beautiful and very perfect. Love them both!
