
Tuesday, February 5, 2013


WELL......after a lovely mild's gotten cold and hiss.....
The wind gusts can be 50-60 MPH in our high mountain valley.  We learned after our first year here to bungy cord all our porch furniture to the deck.  Even that doesn't always help!!

However....I'm escaping...heading for sunny warm weather you read this I'll be winging my way to the SW.  I'm meeting several friends in AZ where we will be having our own 'art camp'!!  No big goals....just puttering around with wet felting and monoprinting, snacking, yacking, and some cultural outings.

I'm pretty sure blog posts will be on hold till I return at the end of the week but if I can figure out how to get photos from my iphone into my ipad into blogger...well...then you'll be hearing from me.....if not....I'll catch up asap.


  1. Safe travels my friend!!! ENJOY!! Like I need to tell you to do that!!! Enjoy the fresh, sunny air too!!!

  2. Smart lady. Come south where it is very warm. 80 degrees here in Texas today.
