
Sunday, February 10, 2013


Friends.....I'm one grateful gal to have had the opportunity to wing my way to the Phoenix area to spend quality time with really good pals, who were escaping Minnesota winter!  As I expected, I couldn't figure out how to post my photos via my ipad, thus my silence.  Surely it can be done....a teen would know how....but hey, we were in an over 55 teens in sight!

We spent several blissful days playing 'art camp' and a tourist day as well.....I'll share some on or not......  

 But....hummmm....where did the car get parked in the massive parking structure at the airport???  Oh don't want to know how long we stumbled around looking!
 Day one.....we set up on the patio....overlooking the golf course and long range mountain view.  Sunny warm doesn't get much better than that!  
 We did some wet felting.  Sue is working with variegated wool roving.
 Here's my pile of finished pieces.  One goal I had was to make replacements for the dozens of 'faux' river rocks that our mischievous black lab Sooty ate. 
 We played around creating colorful felt balls by adding different strips of wool. 
 .......and got marbled results by layering several colors of roving. are some more results......
......a fun day was had by all!!!
One big advantage of working outdoors in warm AZ is how quickly the wool dried.  Don't we all love immediate gratification?!?

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