
Tuesday, January 1, 2013


On Christmas Day, 2007 my first blog post was published with the help of our son's SIL.  My babbling has continued and many blog friendships have developed over the years.

So....welcome to 2013!  Have you made resolutions/goals for your art this year?  Personally I feel another bovine quilt coming on.  Many of you may be familiar with my humorous bovine focused quilts which I've been producing for well over 20 years.  I can't help it....I'm so drawn to this subject.

 Here's Blossom....our 60 pound concrete calf....sporting her Packer helmet...followed by two wall quilts that were such fun to create!

Unlike what you'd expect though, it's not my Midwest upbringing that got me started on this subject.  Rather it's because 'the husband' has collected cow creamers for 30+ years.  That 'herd' has grown to around 250 creamers.  Currently they live in numerous large Rubbermaid bins since we have no place to display them in this house.  Actually, it's time to sell them, but how??  Yikes...taking a photo of each one and putting them on eBay....earning about 10 cents on every dollar we spent?  Nah.....we are looking for a way to relocate the entire collection!!!

May all good things come your way in this NEW YEAR.....thanks for hanging with me on this blog.  

1 comment:

  1. What a cool collection! Who knew! Cows!
    I won't be starting any projects until tomorrow. Hubby golfing and then we're off for our annual New Year's Day party with 20+ friends! Happy New Year!!
