
Monday, December 31, 2012

BYE BYE 2012!!!!

I've been sitting here at the computer reading the thoughtful posts my blog friends have published today......many revisiting the work they've produced over the last year.  I'm grateful for their organization and time spent gathering all those photos!

Me??? I prefer to show you all my biggest accomplishment for 2012.  Here's Raiden Hayashi Stori. I've managed to patiently wait many, many years for a grandchild..... Now the kids might not say I was all that patient, nor should I claim it was MY accomplishment.....but it certainly was the highlight of my year! 

 First haircut
Grandpa is taking no chances....  For Raiden's first Christmas, he's been  introduced to Porsches.

Fabric will always be just fiber......this little guy could change the world!!


  1. I don't think there is anything to compare to a first grandchild!

  2. I agree with Kay! My kids also waited almost 10 years after they were married to have their first!! And I"m so glad they did...nothing like my two grand grand daughter is one of my best friends at age 13...and my grand son is a hoot! Just like his dad. ENJOY!

  3. What a cool statement...this guy "could" change the world! Hapyy New year, Mary!

  4. I bet he will change the world. Why...he already has!
