
Friday, January 18, 2013


I didn't expect to have time to work on this piece but yesterday our Fiber Junkies (small group) had to abort our planned wet felting day due to weather. Two hours after starting out from home....I returned....disappointed BUT SAFE!

Pine Needles # 3
10" x 9"
Artist hand dyed & felted wool, marbleized sheer, embellished
with pine needles & embroidery floss.

This piece isn't quite complete.....nor terribly successful in my opinion.  My original concept here and here was for a starker appearance than the piece ended up.  Perhaps it was that extra time I had.....allowing me to use every last pine needle I collected?

It will be finished with a felted wool backing and a blanket stitched hand dyed embroidery floss along the edges which will set off the motifs much better than it looks now.  Yup! beads.  Maybe that's why I'm not totally crazy about this piece.  It probably would benefit from framing as well....if nothing more than to protect the surface from dust....but I'm if anyone wants to do that...visit my blogshop in a day or so and it will be available at a really reasonable price.

This probably should have waited till it is totally finished before posting but since I missed "Off The Wall Friday" last week.....I wanted to show up today!

P.S. - I did finish it this morning....see I must go out and shovel the snow that fell last night......available for purchase.


  1. Don't beat yourself up on this. I think it is a nice piece. I find that using felt as a background presents design problems because it fights with the focal emphasis for dominance. Using dimensional objects as your focal emphasis was the right choice. The pine needles are just not as strong an emphasis.

  2. Judy...your observation is right on.....I've been working so long now with wool and mostly have figured out the need for strong contrast. Pine Needles 1 & 2 had much darker backgrounds...that alone was helpful. No many more ideas, so little time......

  3. Hi Mari, I like your pine needles. I've not worked at all with felt and I think the yellow on the blue looks good:)

  4. I love playing with felt and I love the idea of playing with pine needles. Sorry about the weather. Hugs, Karen

  5. How cool to attach pine needles ! it looks very inspiring !

  6. So what's up with this "shoveling the snow"? What is snow?? What is a shovel? it's been SO long i can't remember what those are!

  7. love how the gold looks against the blue actually! and yes you were missed last week - grin!
