
Sunday, January 20, 2013


Milestones....we all have them in our lives.  Sometimes the anticipation is more than the actual event.  Although I didn't realize it at the time, but I was so lucky growing up along side of a twin sister.  We doubled our anticipation of such things as becoming a teen, turning 16 and getting a driver's license, turning 18 in Wisconsin which meant we could go to the beer bars where so often girls danced together to the really fast songs.  My sister and I LOVED the song 'Lariat'....played by a local band.  I can still see us spinning around and around the dance floor!  By the time we were 21 we were living in different cities but there was that shared milestone to celebrate if only via the phone.  Luckily, I was able to share the happiness of my niece's birth soon after Susan was born....and go it goes.

None of these milestones made me feel old......not even turning 40 or 50 or even 60 (which sadly was without my sister who I'm sure was there in spirit.)  But today...yikes.....our son turns 40!!!!!  Now that definitely gets my attention.....

"The husband" has been spending hours scanning our slides to document & save the images digitally. Here's a few...if only for my enjoyment......  We were only blessed with one child and happily he was an adorable, energetic, smart little fellow who has grown up with these same traits.  We couldn't be more proud of him.

I also have to jump in and comment on the last of his 3 photos.....anyone reading this blog knows I'm a total hotel snob.....maybe this is the reason why....too much rustic tent camping in my early years!!!

This final one is a photo of our grandson with our lovely DIL, Kelly.  His appearance in our lives is a milestone that energized me.....rather than making me feel old!!  I'm amazed at the similarity of these two 'boys' in my life.