
Thursday, January 24, 2013


I think I'm going to be venting a bit today......and have pretty much figured out the reason for my frustration.  We all experience it I know....too little time!

I just returned from the first of 4 trips that will take place in the next 30 I am looking forward to them, but the lack of substantial studio time is making me itchy.  My projects have consisted of small pieces that can be accomplished within several days.  Really....there's nothing wrong with that and I enjoyed making every one.... I'm not.  I'm forcing myself to make something small for time's sake and this current one is nothing but a big fat failure.  Okay, sure it will probably get better and so what if it doesn't??

So, what I need is a big challenging project.....and time to get one started....I'm reminding will happen soon and then I'll be venting about that!!!
Cotton fabric that I marbleized at a Fiber Junkies mini retreat

 After cutting off a small hunk (Remember....I'm doing small pieces so I have a feeling of accomplishment??)  The edges have been frayed...not a look I often undertake.  Materials have been gathered....without a clue what to do when them.  I made a conscious decision to try to add one unexpected color...but then again...maybe not.

 Using a combination of seed and bugle beads, I started to follow the black lines.....this is all the further I got before I knew it wasn't the right off they came.
Some hand embroidery has been added and ripped out and added again.  And there is sits for more inspiration.  I rarely have 'artist block'.....maybe I do need these trips?  


  1. I'm not sure where you are going with this piece but I love it! It's a great piece!
    I'm going through that 'frustrating phase' or whatever right now...I need to make fiber cards and my 'plan' is a bust!! Geezzzz now to start over! Sure wish you lived closer!!! maybe we just need a glass of wine and a good movie to take our minds off 'stuff'. Sometimes that's all we clear the head????

    1. You read my mind!!! Sometimes this kind of frustration requires a bottle of wine & 2 straws,,

  2. That's a spectacular piece of marbling. I want it for my idea using the fountain at the Charlton building as inspiration. It looks a little like the yellow stone used to face a wall at one end of the Gonda building. The fact that I covet it should help with that block and move you on your way...otherwise, you're going to have to send it to me. ;-)

    1. The remaining fabric is yours!!! I'll be emailing you privately.....
