
Friday, January 25, 2013


Well....I'm feeling better today....I stopped venting.....really, what's the point?

So, I've scatter stitched small black beads along the dyed lines which seems just right. I'm still pondering about the heavy pumpkin color embroidery lines.  They add another dimension/layer but they aren't really 'incorporated' into the design.  Something I preach about all the time to students......especially in regard to beading......don't just plunk beads down (in this case its embroidery) just to be adding needs to be integrated into the design.

I'm going to try to save it for now because this marbleized fabric tends to show  needle holes....maybe I can still make this work...  Let's see what happens....

1 comment:

  1. It's coming along, Mary.
    I ran across this blog and immediately thought of you.

    She's been doing hand work on nuno felt lately.

