
Saturday, November 10, 2012


Now that I'm almost totally recovered from the longest cold on's just in time to begin preparing for a teaching trip!  Yeah.....

My decision to cut way back on travel teaching has been a long time coming....after 25+ years of airline travel.....and with all the negatives involved with that these days, I'm mostly accepting invitations where I can drive.  Which is a problem....cause I hate to drive!!  Grinning...

But, here I am getting ready to head off to Cotton Patch Quilters in Athens, GA where I'll be presenting a lecture on Nov. 14th and an all day workshop on the 15th.  Interest in my wool designs continues to I'm very excited to be teaching that subject for the workshop on Wednesday.  If you live in the area and wish to attend any of the presentations.....follow the link above or email me.

My next big event will be in February when I head to Mancuso's Mid-Atlantic Quilt Festival in Hampton, VA. This is such a great event because the show/vendors/classrooms/lecture facilities are all under one roof!!!

I'm presenting the early bird lecture on Feb. 20th, Wed. night, plus 3 full-day workshops.  So, for all of you who want to learn my beading techniques......Click here to view my workshops.  Each class features live video projection. You work right along with me as we go through 'step-by-step' how to do each technique.  It's a fabulous and easy way to learn.  I bring tons of samples for you to examine the 'real thing' as well.

FYI - though it may sound like the first (Thurs.) workshop is for just's'll love all the tricks and tips that build from the basic stitches.  In the afternoon we learn how to create all those wonderful edging stitches I put on my the photo below you'll see the 'mock' quilt we work on.  You leave class with a two samplers of all sorts of fun and impressive motifs.


  1. We need you to come to Ocala, Fl. or at Kay's community, while I'm there then we can meet and I could take each of your classes!!! How great that would be!!!!
    Your books are wonderful but there's nothing like a 'show me' class...then you buy the book(s)!

  2. Hmmm. Maybe I should take a road trip in February.
