
Thursday, November 8, 2012


Today our PTA (Professional Fiber Artists) group met......  I'm so fortunate to have such a great group of friends who I love from the top of their heads to the bottom of their soles!

And....Mary Berry's soles are something to brag about.  Aren't they great?  Our talented Mary painted them herself.
Linda Cantrell is known for her detailed humorous quilts.....often featuring her beloved Boston Terriers.  This photo album is her newest design. If you are lucky, you'll get to view it in person at one of the large quilt shows across the country in the near future.
 In each 'historial' block you'll find a 'Boston'....with accompanying text.  Much of the information is based on fact with a little fantasy.
The designs are drawn/painted/inked.....Linda doesn't overlook a single detail!

Try clicking on this photo to enlarge the text regarding the block just above it.

 Do the same here.....
 Linda's skills extend to other methods of construction as well......above and below are two of her new quilts.  She's been working through her 'leftovers' from previous quilts, incorporating these treasures into stunning pieces.  This pieces are fused.

Both vases have been created by bleaching the design lines.....see???.....this is why I love this group....inspiration abounds.

 Kate loves to piece and does this task faster than anyone I've ever seen.  Believe it or not, this is a 'donation/community' quilt......did I say she's very generous too!?!
 Kate, like not a one trick pony......this wholecloth was created using crayon transfer......
My crayon drawings never looked like Kate's......isn't it great?

1 comment:

  1. What a great and productive group! It is wonderful to have these ladies in your life isn't it!
