
Wednesday, October 3, 2012

LEAF QUILT - continues.....

As you can see below.....the leaves are now all hand appliqued and stems/center vein have been added.

Thanks to my good pal Jackie of Colorado Springs.......I was reminded there is a less messy way to apply starch to fabric than the way I described yesterday.  A small amount of spray starch can be placed in a small shallow dish, plate, or bowl. Then with the aid of a Q-tip...dipped into the solution, transfer the starch to the edge of the fabric motif....wetting it sufficiently to form around the template.  Press to hold the crease/fold.

Call me impulsive!!!!  Yes, yes.....Jackie's method is the preferred approach and I'm grateful we chatted about this less some of you aren't familiar with it. I admit to being too lazy to leave my studio, go downstairs, & get the proper supplies.  Instead, I used the spray starch cap and my fingers.....and not even a proper table covering. Yup, I probably wasted more time in the long run with the clean up that was required!

 As I now view the piece.....I'm liking it a lot......and perhaps it doesn't need further embellishing.....
 However, you know I can't stop myself......  To prevent distortion, a thin batting has been thread basted to the top and it's secured in a 11" x 11" Q-snap frame.  
Let the beading begin!!
Click on photo for a closer view.

I'll be beading the leaves to my heart's content....but won't be able to chat with you for several days.  Look for my posts early next week......unless I can figure out a way to post from my ipad in my remote location.....I need a 16 year old to teach me this stuff!!

But....of course I can't leave you without saying.....GO PACKERS!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Such an amazing work of art! I love the non traditional colors and spin on the motif.
