
Monday, October 8, 2012


After months of blogging about the quilt I made as a memorial to my brother for Bookworm Gardens, it was time to make a trip to Wisconsin and with my family, turn it over to its new home.

The garden is organized around various book themes.  Each 'station' has physical books which can be read on the spot.  Most areas are set up for interactive play as well as a feast for the adult eye.  Fabulous, creative art is everywhere.

This playhouse was the inspiration for a similar one my brother made for his granddaughter Taylor (first row, far right).  It became the focal point of my quilt.
 Is this great or what?
 Parents/children can sit in the bus (or the area around it) and enjoy the a variety of books that relate to this subject.
 Look closely......notice the spools...complete with thread!!
 Some areas have stone pillars where books are stored.....

 Think how educational it is for children to explore books about the settling of the West.
 And the whimsy of Goldilocks and the Three Bears.  All the seating throughout the gardens have been or donor plaques provide recognition.
 Here's another example of the clever methods utilized to engage kids.
 ......with the props for them to act out their imaginations.
 Farmer Brown and his could they not feature a Holstein cow in Wisconsin??  Taylor, my great niece says this is one of her favorite places in the gardens.
 ....Open the gate, then open the door......and there are the books!

Jack in the Beanstalk metal sculpture.......charming!  One could spend hours exploring this mind expanding place.  There are similar children's literacy gardens throughout the  country....perhaps you can locate one near you to enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. I got the chills looking at the pictures of Bookworm Garden...How incredibly creative and what a wonderful place for children to develop a love of reading...Wow!
