
Thursday, September 20, 2012


Yippie.....I'm finally able to work without yelping....fingers are improving daily after my dramatic tumble!

 Naturally, I didn't want to start out on a big project and overdue the healing process.....which is really an excuse to add some designs to another small piece of resist dyed felted wool!  I wish I'd have worked in this color scheme more.  It's not one I'm accustomed to, but isn't that part of the fun and challenge?

The designs were the result of a 4 bath dye (separate colors for each 'dunking'). The felt was folded numerous times & secured with narrow wood slats and hair clips & strong rubber bands.
 Again, as is typical....I dig through the vast collection of embellishments, (okay I'm admitting I have a LOT of beads and trinkets).  The stitching seems to go more smoothly once I have a 'pallete' to work with.  However, it often takes me an hour plus to make those initial decisions!  Mainly, cause I really don't have a clue what I'm going to do until I pick up the needle.
The beginning.....some hand stitching has been added to the left side using variegated thread.  Before deciding whether or not I want to duplicate that same stitch pattern on the right, I'm going to begin adding some beads.   

Let's see what happens.......

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to the progress on this one. love the earth tones!
