
Friday, September 21, 2012


Oh....I'm such a happy camper when I have handwork to keep me busy at broken fingers still hurt of course, but I'm managing to use a needle anyway!

I found a package of real metal beads on sale in a craft store, probably at least 2 years ago. Though my first instinct was to marry this piece of resist dyed & felted wool with brass embellishments, a yearning to use the metal treasures couldn't be overlooked.

Working with these tiny felted designs has taken some getting used to.  This one is 6.5" wide x 5.5" tall. Editing is super important and difficult for someone like me who LOVES to add 'stuff'.

As you can see, it's still a work in can see how it began here and hopefully in a day or so, I'll be posting the finished piece.  So check back, won't you??

One final thing....I KNOW it can be difficult to figure out those crazy letters in the word recognition comment section......  I tried removing that requirement twice now.  Sorry, I've had to put it back on.  Just overnight last night I got 11 spam comments.  Don't these people have anything else to do with their time?  Clearly they are not a quilter!!!


  1. Hi! So "Off the Wall Fridays" is where we must have found one another's work! Lovely piece, beautiful colors. I'll let you know when the show at Vision Gallery in Chandler is on their website. Thanks so much!

  2. Love working on wool and doing hand work. Eager to see more.

  3. I love the look of this -- I'm sure your beads will just enhance it -- no matter HOW many of them you add.

    ps -- I'm a quilter and so much more...

  4. HI,
    Nice wool felted piece! Love the addition of beads - keep going :)

  5. ohhh the hand work is worth the pain - its just gorgeous. I need to get out my handwork for dark cozy evenings - now that we're gettin' to that time of year - sighhh!

  6. I love your handwork - I've just tipped my toes into handwork, and I must say, the water is very nice and warm ,-)) No wonder you felt the urge to use the beads, they are sooo beautiful !

  7. I really like the 'grid' on one side and the freeform arrangement on the other side!
    Sandy in the UK
