
Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Lemonade anyone??

Turns out I had a bit of time yesterday to play with another one of my resist dyed felted wool pieces.

This may be the last look you get at this piece....even though I RARELY give up once I begin a project...this LEMON may never turn into lemonade.

 I neglected to take a photo of the before.....but if you look closely you can visualize it.  My effort so far is simply some stitching with heavy white thread within the 'cracked glass' type areas created during the dye process.

Some areas have been filled in with additional machine scribbling......  YUCK!!!!
It's a good thing I'll be away focusing on marbling fabric for a few days....maybe a design fairy will come in and fix this I have no clue how to rescue it.  

Happy 4th everyone....let's all take a moment or more to reflect upon what a wonderful country we live in and thank all those who have served it so unselfishly and well.

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