
Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Summer can be such a busy time of the most Americans, celebrating the 4th of July is a tradition filled with good food, family & friends, and of course fireworks.

We are hoping our rescue dog, Sooty (who by the way has turned the corner and has become so well behaved, except on the leash, we think we might have brought a different dog home from the pet boarding facility two weeks ago!!)  Anyway, we hope the noise that is usually associated with the celebration, doesn't freak her out!

United We Stand
44" x 28"
Available for purchase here (about halfway down the page)
The edging treatment makes this quilt too difficult to travel with when I teach so it needs a new home where it can be enjoyed!

 P.S. - the Fiber Junkies will be celebrating in our own way at the end of this week....we are off for a 3 day non-stop marbling fabric getaway.  Member Judy Simmons wrote a book on the subject and will be leading us through this time consuming but so worth it process.  Can't wait to show you what we've done.....  Will take lots of photos and share when I get back.

1 comment:

  1. Be sure to keep Sooty confined or on a leash if you're not sure how she wil react to fireworks. She does seem to be a great dog and learning quickly how to have manners. We've had 3 rescue dogs over the last 16 years and they have all had a few issues to get over, but have been wonderful dogs.
