
Friday, March 9, 2012


Each year we have a 'bonding' activity.  We've brought our baby pictures and guessed who was who, we brought photos of our first quilts, and last year we each brought notes listing 3 things our friends may not know about us. 

 This year we each brought 3 notes that listed items on our 'bucket list'.  Here's our bucket.....
 ....and here's some of the 'wishes'.  The idea again was to guess who wrote them. (click on photo to enlarge)
 We all wished we'd have been as eloquent as Linda Cantrell who wrote the above.
 My family isn't in the habit of playing games......but I'm so glad my friends do and that each year we get silly playing them.  Here Georgia Bonesteel (yes THE famous Georgia Bonesteel who is as nice as she appears on TV!) and Leigh Anne were brought to tears due to our antics.
 One fun game was called Apples to Apples.....which went late into the night....
 Another was Rummikub.....which worried me greatly as Georgia kept assuring us that she had calculators.  I don't do math....not even with a calculator....but as it turned out....math was a very, very minor part of this complex game.
There were so many variations to consider for each player's move that the game required concentration and lots of high fives when a clever solution was played.  Georgia made a wonderful observation.....playing games, especially with children, is a way to uncover personality traits that may not always be apparent.  

Happily, though we are a competive group.....we don't cheat and don't pout! 

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