
Saturday, March 10, 2012


Here are some final tidbits about our quilting retreat to share......

 Kate showed us surprising results about dye catchers.  She used two Shout Color Catcher clothes and two Carbona Grabbers in the same washer load. Notice how much better the Carbona cloth picked up the excess dye!
 Lynne Harrill was working on this lovely piece......we were transfixed watching her add all the highlights and shadows with oil sticks.
 Leigh Anne was making this colorful fun quilt for a gift.
.....and finally....Barbara was working on this scrap quilt.....dissatisfied...near the end of our sewing time she added some black strips to isolate some of the blocks.  To everyone's was the perfect answer.  I hope to share a photo when it's completed.

1 comment:

  1. I've never even heard of Carbona cloth - I'll have to check it out!
