
Saturday, February 11, 2012


I don't even dare complain about the blizzard we are having....considering it's really only about the 3rd time it's snowed all winter.

I just wish you could hear the 50 mph wind blowing (seriously, the house is shaken') and see the horizontal snow blowing.  Despite the's quite beautiful.  Fingers crossed the power stays on or our decision not to spend the rather hefty chunk of change to purchase a whole house generator will have been a short sighted one!


  1. Yes, winter has been a bit delayed, but I think it has come to Western New York State as well! Enjoy and stay warm!

  2. We have snow today too - the first time all year - yesterday people were wandering around in t-shirts and shirt sleeves. The weather is so strange this year, but I'm glad we've finally gotten some snow. It's good for the farmers. :)

    Enjoy yours and here's hoping nothing untoward happens!
