
Friday, February 10, 2012


Our winter continues to be blissfully mild....such a treat after last year when nearly every scheduled fiber meeting of all the groups I belong to were cancelled due to storm after winter storm.

We met at Georgia Bonesteel's home......all but two of our group where there talking at once on 11 different subjects!  Our show and tell was inspiring....

 Connie Brown had us all in fits as she described how she found the perfect 'rubber stamp' in a huge shoe bin at the local Goodwill.  Isn't that just a brilliant idea!?!?

We've all been working on our 2012 PTA Challenge.....the subject is 'postage stamps'.....we aren't reproducing a specific stamp, rather we are making our own designs.  

Among Connie's many talents (like being a certified AQS appraiser) she is also a bee keeper.  Her stamp will feature bees......the background appropriately made using her shoe find.

 Georgia Bonesteel also had a true inspiration.  She got her own know those funny square black and white looking icons that are popping up in magazine and newspaper ads??  When scanned with a smart takes you to the company's website.  It works.....we tried it out on an ipad....

 Dort Lee makes the more charming humorous quilts......This one is called April Showers. The dog is shaking off rain from a recent trip outside.  The small beads of water coming off the dog aren't visible on this photo but they def. added to the fun of the quilt.

Mary Berry is the queen of the log cabin.....she still makes big quilts that make you want to wrap yourself in!  We all oohed and aahed at her skill of adding just the right amount of 'spark' into the blocks.

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