
Saturday, October 22, 2011


Last night we had our first official frost of the hiss.....

However, the timing was in line with what I've been doing.  It's time to remove the summer lightly colored quilt from our bed and replace it with cozy faded blue looking utilitarin quilt.

Projects like this never entail something as simple as a single switch out.....oh noooooo!!  Once I got the quilt on the bed I decided our crisp white pillow cases were out of place.  So  I began making pillow cases....naturally I didn't have enough of any one fabric. 

But that's okay, because mixing it up echos the flavor of the quilt anyway.
3 done, 3 to go.....


Will that be the end of the mini redecorating?? I see that the bed skirt should be replaced as well......  I'm heading into my storage closet shortly to do some container diving to see if I can find enough yardage of something that will work.  I sort of, kind of remember a tan ticking hunk I had been saving for a backing.....fingers crossed.

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