
Thursday, October 20, 2011


So......I'm driving down the interstate this morning...heading into Asheville to pick up my pal Sue Nickels for some girlfriend time.  Sue was in town to present a lecture and workshop for the Asheville Quilt Guild.  The last time we taught together we made plans for her to stay an extra day to see the sites.  The timing was good, the leaves still sparkle with color.

 Probably foolishly.....I grabbed my camera to snap this picture when I noticed what someone wrote in the dirt on the back of this truck.  It says:  Packers Super Bowl again!!  And on the the right side.......The Bears Still Suck......  This was definitely written by a long time Packer fan.....we are not fans of the Bears. (Sorry Bear fans).

I know this may be a lame subject to post....BUT realllly.....I got a tremendous kick out of seeing it.

We spent the morning at the historic Biltmore estate, a must see for anyone coming to this area. It's a chilly day here in the mountains, which fit the mood of the activities of the house perfectly.  Worker bees were busy beginning the huge task of decorating the 'house' for the holidays.

As we were departing, we were asked to drive slowly and be aware of crews in and along the road.  Why we asked??  Because they are filming a movie....  cool.... 

We couldn't linger to take photos.....but here's a glance out of my car window of one of the two huge wind machines that were blowing leaves into a pond.....we have no clue if they were actually filming or preparing for a scene..... 

The movie is 'The Odd Life of Timothy Green'....when we asked who was in it....they said 'nobody'....and after a pause, this kids says....oh ya....Jennifer Gardner but she's not here right now.  

Okay....this may be a lame subject too.....but getting out and about.....heck you never know what you'll see.

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