
Sunday, May 1, 2011


What a difference a week makes......thank you all so much for the well wishes regarding 'the husband's' motorcycle accident. This was a life threatening event due to a collapsed lung resulting in an emergency procedure of inserting a chest tube when he arrived at the Trauma ER in respitorary arrest......which scared me silly.

He's got numerous fractures, but recovery will be full, if long and painful. I'm not a fan of blogs that dictate how others should lead their lives.....but I must say my two cents about this subject. If you have a loved one that rides.....nag, brow bead, bitch, complain, demand.....get the picture?? That they wear every piece of protective gear possible. Yup, there's a hefty price tag that goes with it, but it saved 'the husband's' doubt about it. Full face helmet that is SIZED correctly, jacket/pants fitted with armour, gloves, boots......

There were 3 other motorcycle accidents in the Trauma ER when we were there.....all admitted to the Trauma Care unit of the guy's face looked like a bear had clawed him.......wonder what kind of surgeries he will be facing?? (he only wore a 1/2 helmet & I don't know his mental status)....

Okay.....enuff......I'll be playing Nurse Mary for his activities are very body aches today cause I spent 2 1/2 hrs. weeding our MANY garden beds. Normally, that's not on my duty roster. I should be spending time in my studio.....but of course I will rally and do what needs to be done!

Yet, it's a glorious day here in the mountains.......the Dogwood are blooming, and the Rhododendron are just coming out......a time of new growth. And.....someone I know will be growing new bones!!! Enjoy our scenery.....


  1. Oh Mary - I am so glad this turned out as well as it did. Will keep you and your husband in my thoughts and prayers.

  2. Thanks for the update - I've been thinking about you and 'the husband' and hoping that he (and you) is doing o.k. Nancy M. (AVL Quilt Guild)

  3. "If you have a loved one that rides.....nag, brow bead, bitch, complain, demand.....get the picture??" - I completely agree! I'll nag people I barely know, too.

    Glad to hear he's improving and hope the weeding gets easier. It never does but I'm still an optimist!

  4. So thankful "husband" is recovering well. Will continue to pray for both of you.

  5. Oh Mary, I just read about your husband's accident. Thank goodness he's going to make a full recovery...sounds like it was quite rough for a while. Best wishes to you both. You're in my prayers.
