
Tuesday, April 26, 2011


My blogging will probably be limited for many of you might also.....I have a husband who LOVES to ride motorcycles. I've always been against it......and won't ride with him. He's a smart rider, experienced, super cautious and wears every protective piece of gear possible....which probably saved his life.

'The husband' had a serious motorcycle accident on Sat. and was taken by helicopter ambulance to Asheville's major hospital's trauma center where he remains today. The good news is he should be okay in time.

I'm posting these pictures so if YOU know anyone riding without a full face helmet......well......the pictures speak for themselves. Even with all his gear and going only about 25 mph......his injuries are serious......but w/o the gear......the conversation would be much, much different.

As I was driving home in the rain from the hospital last night....where I have pretty much camped out........ I noticed this rainbow.......I hope that's a good omen that he'll continue forward progress on his improvement, even though we know it will be a long recovery.

I'll keep you posted as I can.


  1. So sorry to hear about the accident. Praying for both of you and medical staff.

  2. One always feels a little helpless in trying to comfort a "friend." How my heart goes out to you and your family. My prayers are with you. I enjoy your blog and have followed it since I took a class from you in Stevenson, WA several years ago.

  3. I'm so sorry to hear about the accident. Good wishes for fast recovery coming from IL.

  4. As motorcycle accidents go and the head gear damage, you guys have an angel on your side. My thoughts and prayers are with you for a full recovery. If you need anything, do tell, Asheville is just a lovely car drive from here.

  5. Hi Mary
    as a devoted follower of your blog, know that my heart and prayers go out to the two of you.
    I have two sons that now, thankfully wear a helmet.

  6. Mary,
    So sorry about your husband's accident. You both are in my prayers.

  7. Oh, Mary, I just read this post. I am so very sorry for you and your husband and I'll be praying for you.

  8. Mary....I am sending some good energy your way and to your hubby too. Like Jenny have an angel on your side! I believe the rainbow in the picture is a good sign! :-)

  9. You can't keep them from doing what they love. Well, you can but then you'd both be miserable. You can be thankful that he is responsible about it. Riding without a full face helmet is poor judgement on so many levels. Thanks for sharing the evidence. I hope there's no lasting problems and that the hubby has a quick recovery. Wish I could be there to hold your hand and pour the wine - hugs.
